Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Improve Group....Starting in the Oklahoma City area

What area of your business are you currently working on improving?

It's a great question, and a great topic. One of the truest things about direct sales is that if you aren't intentional about your business, nothing will ever happen.

I hear people say all the time that they want to be better at booking parties or recruiting or meeting new people, but when I ask them what they're doing to make those things happen, they say "I'm trying." There is a big difference between trying and doing.

One of the ways we want to help you "do" more for your business is by helping you improve specific areas of your business.

Here are some tips for improving your business:

  1. Decide on a specific area of your business that you want to improve upon each month and write it down! 
  2. Pick 3 tasks that you believe will help you improve that area of your business. 
  3. Align your tasks to your calendar. Take the 3 tasks you decided on, and schedule the time to make them happen. 
  4. Find an accountability partner. This might be the most important step. Find someone you can check in with monthly to share the progress you're making and set new goals with. 
Another way we're hoping to help you improve your business is by hosting a monthly Improve Group. 

If you're local to the Oklahoma City area, we hope you'll join us. If you're not, we hope you'll start your own Improve Group in your area. 

To find out the details about our Improve Group, watch this short video. 

Our first Improve Group will meet on Tuesday, October 27th at 10:00 am at Panera Bread near Mercy Hospital. 

4401 W Memorial Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73134

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