Monday, October 12, 2015

October Velata Training....The Main Course

We're so excited to announce our new Velata specific training called The Main Course. This monthly training will be led by SuperStar Director Amy Marc-Charles.

Check out this month's Main Course training by following the directions below.

Tuesday, October 13th @ 7:00 PM  Central Time 

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:

You will need to either download the Zoom app for your phone or tablet OR you will need to visit zoom and download a quick plug-in before the event.

We will be chatting about the exciting future of Velata and also about all kinds of options there are for tastings! This training will only be available to the 1st 50 live attendees. It will be recorded to watch back later. 

1 comment:

  1. Is there a different link for the recording? The one above is trying to take me to a live event. . . . THANKS!
